How to manually backup your server

Would you like to keep all your server data safe and secure? This article will explain how to backup your server on a frequent basis to prevent data loss.

Backing up data on your server should be one of the first things to set up. It is a vital part of running it, and it is easy to lose data without realizing it. You can manually backup your server via the Modern Hosting Game Panel, but we also backup your server once a day at midnight EST. These backups are done mainly for protection against outages, and are not available for clients directly. If you would like to access the last backup taken, please contact us and submit a ticket.

1. Login to the Modern Hosting Game Panel and select the server you want to backup.

2. Click "Stop" on the right side of the page to shut down the server.

3. On the left sidebar, click on "Backups".

4. Click on “Create Backup” at the top right of the page, specify a "Backup Name" for your backup, and optionally, enter any "Ignored Files & Directories" that should not be included. Modern Hosting recommends naming it based on the time that it was created.

5. Click on "Start Backup" to begin the process.

6. Depending on the size of your server files and other factors, this process can take anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes. When the process completes, you should see your backup on the list. From the "dot" icon menu, you can "Download" your backup, verify the "Checksum" of the file, or "Delete" it. If you believe that your backup has not finished, please contact us for further details.

Please Note: During the manual backup process, players will NOT be able to join, and you will NOT be able to access server files or the console, as the server will be offline. Please make sure you shut down your server before starting the backup process.

Last updated